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It's the 1st day of Christmas vacation for us~ and I've made a decision not to be a bummer this break~! so I decided to be productive at least one good thing each day.
What have I accomplished for today? that is, I've cleaned the house of my pet cat, seriously it was disgusting...It got neglected, and no one bothers to clean it. I know you might find it weird why my cats are caged instead of letting them stay inside of our house? it's because my cat(kuchan)just gave birth to 3 little cute black kittens~(again!) and it's a big NO~NO! for mom, unless they could walk or run on their own, until then, they are to stay on that pathetic cage, seriously, i hate it,,, I hate keeping them there... but i have no choice! or else, I won't be able to see them anymore... cause you know, cats do poop and pee just like~ everywhere! and that's what my mom hates the most~ she really has a very sensitive sense when it comes to smell~
here are the 3 newborns~xD(yeah~ newborn~!)
I'm Little Miss 송상욱
I live in a cozy house over that street. I own a cat who looks like a pig. I love eating ice cream and pocky sticks. I wish to be a professional photographer someday.
Here you'll know mostly my dailys. What is me and what is not. But mostly, me being weird & stuff.
This is my blog, my rules, my world. No ripping, spamming, or any type of childish acts.I ban those people.I need your respect when you're in my blog.Can't follow them? click the [x] mark above!
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